I don't think these pictures do this any justice, it looks so cool in person! It is supposed to look like a strawberry, what do you think? Click to enlarge.
I'm wearing only 2 coats! Very opaque surprisingly, and topped it with a coat of Seche Vite.
I was really desperate for an empty bottle, I found an old bottle of SV with 1/4 left so I poured it into another one and washed it out lol.
I used acrylic paint to make a chocolate covered strawberry. I think I should have stopped at the green stem thing, it looked really cute with just that.
The recipe wasn't exact but it was half a bottle of the NYC red creme, a tiny pour of Essie Tomboy No More, 2 drops of Color Club Where's The Soiree? and what's missing out of the Wet n Wild clear. I shook it up and then added 1/2 teaspoon of the Art Glitter Black Ultrafine Opaque glitter. It is the same glitter I used in Sneeze Breeze. Ever since I made that one I had it in my mind to make a strawberry looking one with that black glitter. It came out exactly as I had imagined!

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