Apothica Giveaway (Closed)

Giveaway is closed.

Hi guys!  Apothica is sponsoring a giveaway for a $25 gift certificate to one of my readers.  They carry a wide variety of cosmetics brands, including nail polish ones like Barielle, Essie and Deborah Lippmann.

One of my favorite makeup brands is Smashbox Cosmetics, I love their Photofinish Foundation Primer! I also use their O-Glow lip gloss and blush, it's fun to see a clear product change color on your lips and cheeks.

Apothica has given you the option of entering in several different ways for lots of chances to win. You can do the minimum or do them all for the maximum amount of 15 entries.

Here are the rules:

  • Open worldwide.
  • You must be a follower.
  • This giveaway starts today November 8th and will end on Monday, November 22nd.
  • The winner will be chosen at random and I will pass on your info to Apothica and they will verify your contact information so you can get your prize!
  • Apothica will send the winner an email with the code for the gift certificate that can be used at SkinCareRx.com, Apothica.com, and SkinBotanica.com.

How to enter:

  1. Leave a comment on this post about what your favorite Smashbox product is.  If you don't own any, what would you like to try? Mandatory, 2 entries.
  2. Become a fan of Apothica on Facebook.  1 entry.
  3. Follow them on Twitter.  1 entry.
  4. Retweet their tweet about this giveaway.  2 entries.
  5. Opt-in to their newsletter, it is at the very bottom left of their website. 2 entries.
  6. Write a blog post about Smashbox Cosmetics.  It must be a minimum of 100 words and it needs to have the words "Smashbox Cosmetics" and have that linked to the Apothica site. 7 entries.
  7. If possible, please try to fit your entries into 1 comment, but if you want to add more entries later it's okay to post more :)  Thank you to Apothica and good luck!
