Calvin and Hobbes Nursery Mural

This was the state of our spare bedroom, which I used as my personal nail/filming/photo room.  I'm a slob I know!

To be fair, it was getting cluttered because I was putting baby stuff in here.  Yeah, that's it!

I consolidated all of my polish into 1 tall Alex unit (emptied the other one and put it in my sons closet) and the rest of my things went into the short Alex.  We then rented a projector from a local camera store and my mother in law printed a transparency of the Cavin and Hobbes we were interested in.

We grabbed pencils and started tracing the image on the wall.

We custom mixed all the paint colors, and for the tree trunk and leaves we went to Lowe's and purchased pint sized colors.

I had a hard time sleeping at night so I would wander in at odd hours and paint here and there.

Double checking with the projector to see if we missed anything.

We took elements of different photos and painted it how we wanted.

Late nights.


Belle was such a sweetheart, she always came in and watched and kept us company.  I miss her so much.

Finished!  It took us 7 straight days to complete and we loved every second of it.  Dylan will gaze at the wall while he is in his crib, I hope he likes this mural when he is older.  Maybe someday we will paint another one of his choice!


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